In this blog I describe converting Chapter 3 of my book from glassfish to weblogic 10.3. Chapter 3 deals with persistence. I was expecting difficulties here as glassfish uses Derby as the default embedded relational database and Toplink as the default persistence engine. Weblogic on the other hand uses Pointbase as the default embedded relational database and Kodo as the default persistence engine. However the conversion proved to be quite painless. I first invoked the Pointbase console from the command line: C:\beahome\wlserver_10.3\common\eval\pointbase\tools\startPointBaseConsole.cmd Pointbase is preconfigured with a database administrator PBSYSADMIN with password PBSYSADMIN. PBSYSADMIN has access to all objects in pointbase. I then logged in to Pointbase as PBSYSADMIN. I then created a user, ejbexamples, with password ejbexamples. I then created an ejbexamples schema in the pointbase console. Next I created a new persistence.xml file to reflect that Kodo is the persistence engine: <persistence-unit name="BankService" transaction-type="JTA"> <properties> <property name="kodo.ConnectionURL" value="jdbc:pointbase:server://localhost:9092/demo"/> <property name="kodo.ConnectionDriverName" value="com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcUniversalDriver"/> <property name="kodo.ConnectionUserName" value="ejbexamples"/> <property name="kodo.ConnectionPassword" value="ejbexamples"/> <property name="kodo.jdbc.Schema" value="ejbexamples"/> <property name="kodo.jdbc.SynchronizeMappings" value="buildSchema"/> </properties> </persistence-unit> That's it. The examples populate the CUSTOMER table which can be examined from the Pointbase console. I'll try to cover more than one chapter in my next blog.